A Framework for the Implementation of a Collaborative Flexible Learning Environment for Academic Institutions

A Framework for the Implementation of a Collaborative Flexible Learning Environment for Academic Institutions

R. K.Y. Li, S. T. Cheng, R. J. Willis
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-14-8.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Over the past few years the enormous advances in multimedia and Internet technology have started to affect how we live, play, enjoy and conduct our businesses. At the same time, these technologies have begun to creep into our learning and training environments. Many educational institutions are experimenting with the use of the new technology to enhance existing teaching methods. The traditional instructor-centric method of teaching is giving way to the learner-centric model of learning in which information is interpreted rather than merely received by the students and new knowledge is created (Lotus Corporation , 1997). In the learner-centric model, students learn through discovery. The traditional textual and verbal-based learning method is becoming less acceptable. The new learning model is often driven by interactive multimedia which gives the learner full control over the learning process and hence, the focus is on what the learner does not already know. Interactiveness increases the student’s motivation and rate of retention (Bielenberg & Carpenter-Smith, 1997). The term flexible learning, a contemporary buzzword, is often used to describe the above-mentioned model.

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