A Framework for Organizational Data Analysis and Organizational Data Mining

A Framework for Organizational Data Analysis and Organizational Data Mining

Bernd Knobloch
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch033
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter introduces a framework for organizational data analysis suited for data-driven and hypotheses-driven problems. It shows why knowledge discovery and hypothesis verification are complementary approaches and how they can be chained together. It presents a methodology for organizational data analysis including a comprehensive processing scheme. Employing a plug-in metaphor, data analysis process engineering is introduced as a way to set up data analysis processes based on taxonomies of tasks that have to be performed during data analysis and on the idea of re-using experience from past data analysis projects. The framework aims at increasing the benefits of data mining and other data analysis approaches, by allowing a wider range of business problems to be tackled and by providing the users with structured guidance for planning and running analyses.

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