Framework to Enhance the Mobile User Experience of Goal Orientated Interactions

Framework to Enhance the Mobile User Experience of Goal Orientated Interactions

Adéle Botha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8789-9.ch026
(Individual Chapters)
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Practitioners and interaction designers cannot design, much less control, the Mobile User Experience. They can, however, design for an enhanced Mobile User Experience. This chapter aims to advance the understanding of Mobile User Experience in goal-orientated interactions by identifying the components that would inform the interaction. These identified components are underpinned by Mobile User Experience factors and the impact they will have on the interaction. Together these components and Mobile User Experience factors contribute towards the initial development of a theoretical understanding that, through a subsequent guided exploration, led to the development of a coherent framework that would enable the appropriate development of services and technology for the enhancement of the Mobile User Experience in goal orientated interactions.
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Design science research was applied to develop the framework as this methodology allows for the creation of artefacts for a practical purpose. March and Smith (1995) differentiate among four different types of artefacts: concepts, models, methods and instantiations. Two important characteristics of design science artefacts are their relevance and novelty (Geerts, 2011). Firstly, an artefact must solve an important problem: i.e. it must be relevant. Secondly, to differentiate design science research from routine design, Hevner et al. (2004) suggest that design science research should address either an unsolved problem in a unique and innovative way or a solved problem in a more effective or efficient way.

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