From Mammy to Matriarch

From Mammy to Matriarch

DeNiece Kemp
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0698-7.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter provides an insightful perspective on two stereotypes unique to Black women, the mammy and the sapphire, and how they contribute to the formation of the matriarchal model in Black women educators. It offers an understanding of how these experiences can be shaped to positively impact all students, especially African American students and their families. Interwoven throughout the chapter are personal narratives from five African American women who work in education in varying roles to further illustrate how these stereotypes manifest in their work. This chapter also includes the author's personal narrative of her experiences with two students and their mothers, providing a powerful testament to the multifaceted impact of Black women embracing the matriarchal model. The narratives provide a framework for understanding the importance of the matriarchal model and the mentorship and community that are associated with it. In this chapter, stereotypes about Black women are challenged, and Black women are encouraged to take ownership for their identity.
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