From the Digitization of Building Materials to Their Use in BIM Models on an Open Standard Platform: The eBIM Project and Its Applications

From the Digitization of Building Materials to Their Use in BIM Models on an Open Standard Platform: The eBIM Project and Its Applications

Chiara Vernizzi, Roberto Mazzi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4854-0.ch011
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The information data that can be included in models can also relate to the different dimensional domains of BIM depending on the purpose of the model itself. On this premise, the POR-FESR eBIM project “Existing Building Information Modeling for the Management of the Intervention on the Built Environment” has developed skills, models, and solutions related to the conservation and enhancement of the built heritage using the BIM methodology implemented on dedicated IT platforms, identifying and characterizing the materials that compose it (from the shell to the structure to the covering). Among the various building materials, particular attention has been devoted to ceramic tiles and to their role and uses in the building industry for their digitization and use in BIM models on an open standard platform.
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As is well known, BIM is a project management methodology, in all its phases, which is optimized for collaboration and visualization during the development and realization phase of a project, but which increasingly also addresses the management and maintenance of the same during its life cycle: its purpose is therefore primarily to support the professional to develop and realize the project through a collaborative process focused on the physical, functional and user aspects of a building.

In this process, the information content within a three-dimensional model prepared according to the BIM methodology is the most important part. The information data that can be included in models can also relate to the different dimensional domains of BIM depending on the purpose of the model itself (Baiardi & Ferreira, 2020). In this sense, the issue of data interchange and the usability of data over time becomes just as important as the choice of information to be included in the models.

In the research project POR-FESR “eBIM existing Building Information Modeling for the management of the intervention on the built environment”, it has been experimented how much the information can be usable in time and updatable through the creation of information models in which they are connected to external databases structuring information fields that describe building materials, making easier the updating of the information that takes place outside the BIM model (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Methodological outline of the use of models

Source: POR-FESR eBIM (2019-2022)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Database: A collection of information organized in such a way that it is easily accessible, managed and updated It is also defined as an organized collection of Datasets.

7D: Sustainability assessment of the work. References: UNI standard 11337 (internationally, 7D refers to Facility Management).

Dataset: An organized collection of observations.

Opendata: Data that are freely accessible to all (any restrictions being the obligation to cite the source or to always keep the database open).

Code of Contracts PUBLIC: Legislative Decree no.50 of 18 April 2016, entitled “Code of public contracts for works, services and supplies in implementation of Directives 2014/23/EU, 2014/24/EU, 2014/25/EU” and subsequent amendments and supplements.

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