Future Directions and Trends in AI-Powered Business Intelligence

Future Directions and Trends in AI-Powered Business Intelligence

K. R. Vineetha, K. R. Resmi, K. Amrutha, Midhun Omanakuttan
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8844-0.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Business intelligence (BI) is the process of deriving relevant information from data to facilitate informed decision-making and reveal undiscovered resources for data management. With solid understanding of market trends and data-driven decision-making, business intelligence (BI) enables organizations to stay ahead in today's competitive world. This changes ways in which businesses operate by simplifying learning,refining procedures, automating operations, and reducing expenses with integrate AI. This chapter discusses Future Directions and Trends in AI-powered business Intelligence and addresses the disadvantages of traditional BI reporting and offers new possibilities for extracting value from data. Many of the top developing trends in business intelligence are mentioned in this chapter such as Mobile business intelligence (mobile BI), Advanced data visualization, Cloud-based BI - BI as a service, Data storytelling, Augmented analytics, Self-service analytics, Natural language processing (NLP), and Ethical data governance
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