Future Generations to the Utilisation of Digital Teaching and Learning

Future Generations to the Utilisation of Digital Teaching and Learning

Lucia Zithobile Ngidi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9179-9.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Digital teaching and learning have already become a significant part of education, and future generations are likely to continue using these technologies even more extensively. The usage of online learning is necessary for a variety of reasons and advantages. However, such also comes with several challenges. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, innovative technology will fundamentally alter what people learn in the future and how and where they acquire it. Due to technological improvements, online facilitators are advised to develop new skill sets to compete in the current and future digital learning environments.
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2. Reasons For Online Learning

Overall, digital learning offers many advantages over traditional classroom-based learning, and its popularity has continued to grow as technology advances (Xhaferi & Xhaferi 2020). Various benefits result from this teaching and learning and will likely grow in popularity as students increasingly seek convenience, customization, cost-effectiveness, interactivity, flexibility, accessibility, environmentally friendly, and improved retention (Bagarukayo & Kalema, 2015).

Convenience- van Dijk (2020) pointed out that the main benefit of digital learning is the learner-determined location for education –whereby students can choose their place of study; learner-determined learning time – students can organize their learning schedule. It allows learners to study from anywhere, anytime, using various devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones. As a result, learners can learn at their own pace and easily access the learning materials they need.

Customization- Digital learning often includes tools and resources that allow students to tailor their learning experience to their needs and interests ((Xhaferi & Xhaferi 2020). It can be customized to meet the needs and preferences of individual learners. For instance, learners can choose to study in a way that suits their learning style and access learning materials that align with their interests (Van Dijk, 2020).

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