Gamification's Role as a Learning and Assessment Tool in Education

Gamification's Role as a Learning and Assessment Tool in Education

Mageswaran Sanmugam, Hasnah Mohamed, Norasykin Mohd Zaid, Zaleha Abdullah, Baharuddin Aris, Salihuddin Md Suhadi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0420-8.ch038
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Gamification is a new and upcoming trend that is predicted by many to further enhance the field of educational technology in the new millennium. The use of gamification has fared well in the corporate world and is gradually transcending into the educational arena. The usage of game elements such as points, badges and leader board can assist in keeping the students not only motivated but also engaged to the teaching and learning process in the school. As learning and assessment come hand in hand as a knowledge acquiring process in a classroom, therefore it should be identified whether or not gamification can be truly utilized in the form of a learning and assessment tool in the teaching and learning process. This paper will discuss about the repercussions of using gamification as a learning and assessment tool based on the review of several studies carried out in the field of gamification.
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Foundations Of Creating A Meaningful Gamification

The concept of meaningful gamification was introduced by Nicholson, (2012) through a user-centred exploration. A meaningful gamification will be successfully implemented if it puts the “needs of the users first over the needs of an organization”. This allows the cultivation of a positive feeling among the users, thus leading to long term and deep engagement allowing the users to have a positive experience that eventually will lead towards a longer-term and deeper engagement (Sanmugam, et al., (2014). A false sense of achieving a target will occur if the focus is solely based on game mechanisms. This was supported by Glover, (2013) whom found that important game concepts, gives an overview of examples from outside education and provided several ideas for executing gamification into education generally, and e-learning specifically. Levels of motivation also need to be known prior to the introduction of a reward system. This is because in an optimized environment, dependency towards the rewards may disrupt their flow of learning. As a result of this, the learning activity andgamificationshould be done and planned at the same stage. Meanwhile, gamification should focus more on quality based elements such as students assessing and giving feedback among themselves; rather than rewards and points; quantitative elements. Rewards too need to be created or set aside to make sure it’s achievable to push up the motivation level, yet limited enough to create a sense of accomplishment receiving it. This reduces the sense of abundance in rewards; creating a sense of uniqueness in that reward that pushes to participants to strife for it.

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