Gender and Diversity in Collaborative Virtual Teams

Gender and Diversity in Collaborative Virtual Teams

Anna Michailidou, Anastasios Economides
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-753-9.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Computer supported collaborative learning environments (CSCLEs) is one of the innovative technologies that support online education. Successful design and implementation of such environments demand thorough analysis of many parameters. This chapter studies the impact of diversity in learner-learner interactions in collaborative virtual teams through a social and cultural perspective. Social differences include gender, race, class, or age. Cultural differences refer to matters like how an individual’s cognition, values, beliefs, and study behaviors are influenced by culture. Instructors must take into consideration the factors that influence individuals’ diversity, and invent new ways to implement successful collaboration. This is crucial, especially regarding teams scattered on different countries or even continents. Social and cultural differences influence an individual’s performance in a learning environment. Such differences must be adequately studied by both the educational organization and the instructors in such a way that the learning procedure will become a positive experience for all the members involved.

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