A General View of Quality Models for Web Portals and a Particularization to E-Banking Domain

A General View of Quality Models for Web Portals and a Particularization to E-Banking Domain

Mª Ángeles Moraga, Julio Córdoba, Coral Calero, Cristina Cachero
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-847-5.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The success of Web portals has increased over time, in such a way that a portal user can choose among a wide variety of portals. Therefore, the presence of a Web portal in Internet will depend on its quality. In this chapter, several portal quality models are presented and compared. Moreover, one of the best portal quality model previously proposed has been adapted to the e-banking context. Finally, the new e-banking portal quality model has been compared with the original portal quality model, as well as with the main portal quality characteristics.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Portal Quality: Degree to which a portal achieves a certain degree of quality for the different characteristic which affect to portal quality.

E-Banking: Online service provides by a bank company which facilitates bank management, such as check your account balance, bank transfers, and so on.

Portal Reliability: Ability of the portal to perform its functionality accurately.

Security: Capability of the portal to prevent, reduce, and respond to malicious attacks adequately.

Tangible: Characteristic of the portal that indicates whether it contains all the software and hardware infrastructures needed, according to its functionality.

Portal Quality Model: Set of characteristics and subcharacteristics which affect the quality of a portal.

E-Banking Portals: A special type of Web portal whose aim is to provide different services related to the bank context.

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