Global Digital Divide, Global Justice, Cultures and Epistemology

Global Digital Divide, Global Justice, Cultures and Epistemology

Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-968-7.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The problem of global digital divide, namely disparity in internet access and use among the various regions of the world, is a growing concern. Even though, according to some reports, the gap is getting narrower, this does not mean that the problem is disappearing, because the problem does not just consist in getting more people to become ‘wired’, so to speak. This paper investigates the various relationships among the global digital divide, global justice, cultures and epistemology. Very briefly stated, not getting access to the Internet constitutes an injustice because the access is a social good that can lead to various other goods. Furthermore, as information technology is a second-order technology, one that operates on meaning bearing symbols, access to the technology is very much an issue of social epistemology, an attempt to find out the optimal way to distribute knowledge across the social and cultural domains.

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