An E-Government Strategic Planning Framework

An E-Government Strategic Planning Framework

Vedmani Sharan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-601-5.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Public sector organizations have started to use e-government initiatives in order to realize their business values. Although it is well known that the alignment between business and IT improves performance, it has not been studied in public sector organizations. Since a majority of the business-IT alignment models rely on economical jurisdictions, they cannot be blindly implemented in public sector organizations that have business as well as political values. In this chapter, the authors propose an e-government planning framework that is based on the business-IT alignment in a public sector organization.
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Research Methodology

This study uses the meta-synthesis approach for creating the e-government portal planning framework. In this approach, metaphors of different qualitative studies are compared and integrated to produce a theory (Beck, 2002). This method has been widely used in the social sciences and medical area (Shahkookh and Abdollahi, 2007).

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