Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Roy Gelbard, Avichai Meged
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch131
(Individual Chapters)
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Representing and consequently processing fuzzy data in standard and binary databases is problematic. The problem is further amplified in binary databases where continuous data is represented by means of discrete ‘1’ and ‘0’ bits. As regards classification, the problem becomes even more acute. In these cases, we may want to group objects based on some fuzzy attributes, but unfortunately, an appropriate fuzzy similarity measure is not always easy to find. The current paper proposes a novel model and measure for representing fuzzy data, which lends itself to both classification and data mining. Classification algorithms and data mining attempt to set up hypotheses regarding the assigning of different objects to groups and classes on the basis of the similarity/distance between them (Estivill-Castro & Yang, 2004) (Lim, Loh & Shih, 2000) (Zhang & Srihari, 2004). Classification algorithms and data mining are widely used in numerous fields including: social sciences, where observations and questionnaires are used in learning mechanisms of social behavior; marketing, for segmentation and customer profiling; finance, for fraud detection; computer science, for image processing and expert systems applications; medicine, for diagnostics; and many other fields.

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