Harmonizing Productivity of Employees via Work-Life Balance in Remote Working: Projecting Sound Sleep, Health, and Well-Being for Boosting Organizational Performance

Harmonizing Productivity of Employees via Work-Life Balance in Remote Working: Projecting Sound Sleep, Health, and Well-Being for Boosting Organizational Performance

Bhupinder Singh, Christian Kaunert, Komal Vig
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0612-3.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has become increasingly important in today's remote work environment, and it has a significant impact on employees' overall productivity. Improving productivity entails numerous dynamics, with a focus on the relationship between health, well-being, and enough sleep. Understanding and fulfilling the diverse requirements of employees becomes increasingly important as firms deal with the problems provided by geographically distributed teams. This chapter investigates the connection between work-life balance and workers' health and well-being, as well as how it might increase production and improve an organization's overall performance. When employees have sufficient time for personal life and relaxation, they are better able to focus their attention and energy on their work tasks. This leads to improved productivity, enhanced creativity, and increased engagement like flexible work hours, clear communication, remote work policies, promote self-care, technological tools, and employee support programs.
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1. Introduction

The paradigm of remote working has grown more common in today's dynamic workplace, which calls for a thorough investigation of methods to improve workers' well-being and productivity. In the context of remote work, this study explores the central subject of balancing productivity via the prism of work-life balance. By concentrating on these three essential pillars as- healthy sleep, general well-being, and health, it wants to disentangle the interrelated dynamics that elevate organizational performance (Blankson, 2017). Understanding the symbiotic link between employee wellbeing and company performance becomes crucial when the conventional borders between the professional and personal spheres erode in remote work circumstances.

The organizations throughout the world are wrestling with the problem of preserving and improving employee productivity in the aftermath of the dramatic move toward remote employment. This study digs into the vital intersection of work-life balance, concentrating on how to attain harmonized productivity through remote work by emphasizing elements such as good sleep, health, and general well-being. The recognizing factor as that the traditional boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred in the remote work landscape, the research analyzes creative strategies and interventions aimed at achieving a good work-life balance. The ultimate goal is to improve organizational performance by ensuring that employees are not just engaged in their professional responsibilities but also nurtured in their personal lives.

Remote work has ushered in a new era in the professional world, altering the dynamics of how work is performed and experienced. As the businesses struggle with this paradigm shift, the focus has turned to boosting employee productivity. The goal of this essay is to look at the complicated relationship between work-life balance and organizational success, with an emphasis on remote work situations. The paper investigates the impact of excellent sleep, health and general well-being on employee productivity in order to identify the possibility for improving organizational performance through a holistic approach to remote work (Rubin, 2022).

Organizations must develop a comprehensive plan for addressing the changing nature of remote work that goes beyond traditional strategies for ensuring work-life balance. The goal of this study is to provide important new understandings into the complex web of variables affecting work-life balance in remote work settings. This paper aims to give organizations practical strategies to improve the performance of their remote workers by examining the connections between healthy sleep, productivity, and health. This will help the organizations maintain a strong and vibrant organizational culture in the ever-changing context of remote work.

This chapter argues for a holistic strategy to boosting productivity in remote work situations by focusing on the linked factors of good sleep, physical health, and psychological well-being. Recognizing the symbiotic link between work and personal life allows firms to create an atmosphere that not only increases employee happiness but also results in demonstrable improvements in organizational performance. The observations and recommendations offered in this paper serve as a roadmap for companies looking to prosper in the era of remote work by emphasizing the overall well-being of their most precious asset - their people (Singh, 2023).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sleeping Patterns: The sleep pattern of an individual encompasses their schedule for going to bed, waking up and engaging in naps along with any occurrences of sleep interruptions in terms of time and duration. The sleep phase refers to the typical timing of a person’s sleep period.

Promote Self-Care: The self-care involves dedicating time to activities that contribute to your overall well-being which enhancing both your physical and mental health. In terms of mental well-being, practicing self-care can assist in stress management, reduce the likelihood of illness, and boost your energy levels.

Remote Work Policies: This policy outlines the anticipated standards, procedures and optimal approaches for remote work setups. It also underscores the guidelines and duties applicable to remote workers who are granted the flexibility to perform their tasks from locations of their choosing as opposed to adhering to conventional work arrangements.

Work-Life Balance: The maintaining of a harmonious and balanced relationship between your personal and professional lives is essential to achieving a good work-life balance. In order to balance professional and personal obligations while prioritizing self-care and general well-being, this calls for deliberate time and energy management.

Technological Tools: The electronic, digital or physical resource that helps to deliver and evaluate referred to as a technology tool. These resources which include platforms, applications and software may be used in any business, industry, educational field as physical, virtual or hybrid ones.

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