How Do We Communicate

How Do We Communicate

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 78
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5682-8.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter examines our modes of imparting or exchanging facts and opinions. After discussion of the role of electromagnetic waves in our sensory perception, further text describes the ways we and other living beings gain information through the senses, especially when enhanced with technology. Finally, communication between people, with computers, and with other living things is described, especially when animal communication involves senses unavailable to human beings. Emphasis is put on visual communication, some basic notions about semantics, and also visualization techniques and domains. Basic art concepts, elements of design in art, and principles of design in art serve as background information, followed by learning projects.
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First of all, electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths serve as a medium and thus make a worthwhile contribution to our perception and means of communication. Many kinds of human and animal senses operate as a source of gathering information, and then cognitive abilities support our sensing of numbers and spoken or written language. The following text discusses a notion of semantics as it tells about visual communication through images, art, and signs of different kinds. Visualization with its techniques and domains, along with some other ways of sharing data support these actions. Technologies that enhance our senses and means of communication involve our communication with computers. Humans have been exposed to encounters with threats of different kinds from the very beginnings of history. Knowledge about acute abilities of animals enhances our communication, defense, and attack capabilities related to many spheres of life. In some of these cases, communication happens to be unilateral.

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