iCE: Interactive Coinnovation Environment

iCE: Interactive Coinnovation Environment

Terry Rosenberg
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-129-2.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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As it becomes increasingly important to work in new sociotechnological formations such as the virtual spaces across networks, so does the requirement to build new tools to furnish this emergent landscape. This chapter looks at the way a virtual space may be built and used to facilitate group, team and individual thinking in developing projects and also shaping practice in organizations where innovation is an important focus. The chapter describes the work being done to produce an interactive networked based ‘coinnovation’ environment (iCE); where members of an organization, individually and variously, may contribute their thoughts to help innovate—develop ‘prospects’—for the organization’s projects.

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