Implications Between Organizational Anthropology and Organizational Sustainability

Implications Between Organizational Anthropology and Organizational Sustainability

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1524-8.ch001
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This study has the purpose to analyze the implications between the organizational anthropology and organizational sustainability in organization studies. It departs from assuming that anthropology is a new field that has an impact on the study of organizations and organizational sustainability. The method used is the meta-analytical leading to reflection of the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical literature review. It is concluded that the anthropology applied to organizations has an impact on organizational sustainability.
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Organizational Anthropology

Organizational anthropology is being labeled as organizational ethnography, business anthropology and industrial anthropology. Organizational anthropology refers to the applied anthropology in organizations and the anthropology of profit, and not for profit organizations and networks. Organizational anthropology is a means to study the profitability, efficiency and effectiveness of organizations developed by human beings focusing on management.

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