Important Issues in Online Education: E-Pedagogy and Marketing

Important Issues in Online Education: E-Pedagogy and Marketing

Murat Hismanoglu
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1598-4.ch041
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In our times, many educational institutions are providing online degree programs for learners by supplementing their traditional offline class with web-based online educational devices. This chapter aims at stressing important issues in online education with reference to e-pedagogy and marketing of online education programs. It defines online learning, assesses the benefits and challenges of online education, and illustrates sub-categories of online degree programs to show the richness of these programs in the world of education today. It also expounds the characteristics of successful online learners and instructors as well as the principles of effective online instruction. Further, it places emphasis on the marketing of online education programs. Lastly, it offers some valuable tips for better marketing of online education programs.
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Online Learning

Online courses, according to Allen and Seaman (2008), are those where at least 80 percent of the course content is delivered online. Face-to-face instruction covers those courses where zero to 29 percent of the content is delivered online, which contains not only traditional courses but also web facilitated courses. As for blended (i.e. hybrid) instruction, it includes those courses in which 30 to 80 percent of the content is delivered online. The following table taken from Allen and Seaman (2008) exhibits common course delivery methods used by individual instructors.

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