In Vitro Harvest

In Vitro Harvest

Zaliha Binti Harun, Gunavathy Selvarajh, Norhashima Abd Rashid, Nik Nurul Najihah Nik Mat Daud
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4115-5.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In vitro harvesting is a technique involving growing animal cells in controlled laboratories. This technology provides sustainable, ethical, and scalable options to meet the world's protein needs. This chapter addresses the environmental advantages and diminished impact of traditional farming methods. This chapter explains the cell culture techniques, different cell sources, nutritional media formulations, and bioreactor technologies in meat production. The ethical implications of the topic are discussed, with a specific focus on the well-being of animals and concerns related to the slaughter process. Successfully integrating in vitro harvests into mainstream markets depends on overcoming regulatory barriers and gaining customer acceptability. The chapter finishes by providing a concise overview of the significant impact that cellular agriculture can have on redefining sustainability, ethics, and nutritional diversity in the global food system. This transformation is made possible through the collaboration of many fields of study and the application of advanced technology.
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