Inclusive Education: All Things Considered

Inclusive Education: All Things Considered

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1147-9.ch023
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter reflects on the inclusiveness of South African schools' inclusive education practices. Emphasizing the need for greater access for all learners, it acknowledges historical exclusion based on physical, intellectual, cultural, and linguistic differences. In the context of South Africa's apartheid history, the mere inclusion of learners with disabilities in mainstream schools is considered a breakthrough. Inclusive education signifies a shift towards inclusive teaching, demanding a revised mindset to accommodate diverse learners. The chapter urges stakeholders, including the Department of Education, academics, researchers, people with disabilities, and parents, to reflect on and improve inclusive education practices. Drawing from literature, it explores the alignment between policy expectations and the actual implementation of inclusive education in schools, posing questions about its true inclusiveness and highlighting key principles.
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3. Definition Of Key Terms

This section describes key terms used in this chapter. Each description suits the purpose and discussion in this chapter as per the need to respond inclusive education, adopt and adapt to inclusive education.

3.1 Full-Service Schools

Full-service schools are inclusive schools in the broadest sense of the word, embodying the principles of diversity and fostering maximum participation for all in the culture of the school. These are schools that have been enabled to include learners with disabilities and implement all possible measures to reasonably accommodate them (DBE, 2010b). In this chapter full-service or inclusive schools are schools that currently accept and register learners who have been marginalised because of their disability and impairment.

3.2 Diversity

Diversity is the presence of differences within a given setting (Tan, 2019: S32). This chapter refers to diversity as being different from others in each setting. In this chapter diversity refers to possessing your unique quality.

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