Inferring Personality From Social Media User Behaviors Using Dense Net Convolutional Neural Networks

Inferring Personality From Social Media User Behaviors Using Dense Net Convolutional Neural Networks

Emilyn J. Jeba, M. Murali, N. Prabakaran
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2679-4.ch011
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We live in a world where social media is omnipresent and integrated into our daily lives. People love to express their interests, thoughts, and opinions on these social networking platforms. This information reveals several psychological aspects of their behavior and can be used to predict their personality. To predict this, introduce the method dense net convolutional neural network (DNCNN) is based on predicting the social media users' personality identification. Performed an experimental evaluation on a benchmark dataset for the task of categorizing personality traits into distinct classifications. The review of the dataset yields improved results, showing that the proposed model can really arrange client character attributes when contrasted with cutting-edge models. Posts and status updates can be used to predict the personality of users of social media networks to improve accuracy. These results show that picture features are better predictors of personality than text features, and also found that a profile picture reliably predicts personality with 96% accuracy.
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Social media has recently surpassed email as the most popular method of communication and engagement among people. Face-to-face interactions are becoming increasingly rare as people prefer to communicate informally through their smartphones. As a result, determining a person's character is a difficult task. However, because people spend so much time on social media expressing their feelings and opinions through status updates, comments, and updates, the possibility that content posted on social networks will help us receive information is growing. Personality is recognized as a driver of decision-making and action because it contains unique characteristics of the way individuals perceive, experience emotions, and engage in actions. It enables us to comprehend how traits fit into the larger picture, as personality is a complex amalgamation of traits and behaviors that individuals navigate. Giving (movies, music, books, etc.). (Movies, music, books, etc.). Personalities shape human interactions, relationships, and the environment around us. Personality is important in all types of interactions. It has also been shown to aid in the prediction of job satisfaction, professional relationship success, and user preferences for her interface. Much of the time, these models propose direct techniques, like polls, to distinguish character. All things considered; semantic examination can be utilized to recognize character. Online entertainment examination can yield valuable examples for laying out connections between sentence attributes and personality abilities. Social networking sites (SNS) are quickly gaining acceptance as a communication tool. Previous studies have demonstrated that data on Facebook and Twitter use reveals basic personality traits. But what specific personality traits and qualities can be determined from social media data?, there is growing curiosity about how accurately that data represents users. We introduce a deep learning model which is based on a self-attention mechanism consisting of DNNNN and a language embedding module. The overview of social network flow and words-based classification is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Basic flow model


This paper primarily offers the following key contributions:

  • The text sequence is represented by the particulars of each region of various areas. introduces a multi-head mechanism into the CNN architecture while simulating global aspects and gradually broadening the scope.

  • The mechanism produces characteristics at the sentence level. Following that, the dispersed pillars bind to numerous sequences of the same length, as well as the time characteristics of text sequences captured by Bi-DNCNN, a precaution mechanism at the sentence level, and various posts on character traits.

  • A number of embedded modules in DNCNN and Word carry out parallel implementation function fusion to overcome the limitations of a single model's function extraction, and, to the greatest extent possible, use text data to improve the consensus of semantic information and boost efficiency.

  • A deep network model with additional SNA (social networking analysis) or linguistic characteristics. Additionally, the complexity of the network structure and the extraction of the semantic features of social textbooks are both important factors in the personality detection models used in previous research.

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