The Influence of Experience, Culture and Spatial Visualization Ability on Users' Attitudes and Anxiety Towards Computer Use

The Influence of Experience, Culture and Spatial Visualization Ability on Users' Attitudes and Anxiety Towards Computer Use

Pieter Blignaut, Theo McDonald, Janse Tolmie
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-931777-10-0.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The attitude towards computer-related tasks, computer anxiety, and spatial visualization ability (SVA) of a group of first-year computer science students were measured just before their study commenced. The results were analyzed empirically based on two independent variables, i.e., culture and computer experience. It was found that African and European users generally have the same attitude towards computer use. Users’ attitudes improved after experience with computer-related tasks. African students experienced significantly higher levels of computer anxiety than their European counterparts with the same amount of experience. It was also found that African users generally have a lower SVA than European users. Users with higher SVA generally have a better attitude towards working with computers and experience a lower level of computer anxiety.

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