Innovation Applied to Community Tourism: Bibliometric Analysis

Innovation Applied to Community Tourism: Bibliometric Analysis

Eunice Ramos Lopes, Joao Tomaz Simoes, Maria Rita Nunes
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4855-4.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter intended to perceive the knowledge produced by the scientific community about tourism, innovation, and community tourism. In order to achieve this objective, a search was carried out in the SCOPUS database, which provided with more than 30 thousand articles from the year 1857 to 2019. It is noticed, however, that the publications that report community tourism and innovation are scarcer, which demonstrates the lack of research within the three areas. It is noticed that for future works it is interesting to insert other sources of research, such as Sicielo and Latinex, and give more visibility to productions in other languages, which gives a broader understand of other publications outside the English-speaking world.
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CBT is widely discussed within the literature about alternative tourism, whether some definitions of community-based tourism are considered more relevant to its correct understanding (See Table I).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Hotel Chain: Composition of all hotels a company owns.

Culture: The identity of a civilization, a nation, a society. Their values, tradition, heritage, and ways.

Empowerment: Give the human and technical tools to promote the knowledge of individuals and institutions, so they can develop in the most sustainable way possible.

Bibliometric: Measuring written documents through some criteria.

Creativity: It is a human process (from conception to interpretation) influenced and framed by the surrounding environment over time, and which is therefore manifested and is always understood differently, not limited to a single definition as indicated by Robinson (2008 apud Richards 2011, p. 1226), ” the lack of a single widely accepted definition of creativity is undoubtedly due to the wide range of views on the function of creativity”.

Mass Tourism: This term is usually used as a consequence of the standard, planning and formatted kind of product that general tourists buy. Usually cheaper and an all-in-one solution (accommodation, food, and beverage).

Host Community: The locals who receive, welcome, and provide the visitors leisure, cultural knowledge thru experiences and activities.

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