Innovation Studies

Innovation Studies

Katina Michael, M.G. Michael
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-795-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter will explore literature in the field of innovation in order to establish a conceptual framework for the auto-ID trajectory research. The primary aim of this review is to provide a critical response to the literature on technological innovation. The review will also serve to: (i) identify and understand widely accepted definitions, concepts and terms, born from past innovation research as a guide for further research; (ii) review theories, theoretical frameworks and methods adopted by other researchers doing similar innovation studies (especially in the area of information technology) in order to choose an appropriate approach for this study; (iii) understand what aspects of complex high technologies (hightech) have already been explored by researchers and what aspects have been neglected and to discover any similarities or differences in existing findings.
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This chapter will explore literature in the field of innovation in order to establish a conceptual framework for the auto-ID trajectory research. The primary aim of this review is to provide a critical response to the literature on technological innovation. The review will also serve to: (i) identify and understand widely accepted definitions, concepts and terms, born from past innovation research as a guide for further research; (ii) review theories, theoretical frameworks and methods adopted by other researchers doing similar innovation studies (especially in the area of information technology) in order to choose an appropriate approach for this study; (iii) understand what aspects of complex high technologies (high-tech) have already been explored by researchers and what aspects have been neglected and to discover any similarities or differences in existing findings.

Previous research will be examined in this chapter using a two-tiered approach; topical at the surface layer and chronologically organized therein. This type of analytical strategy is advantageous because similar patterns, trends, or findings can be uncovered and organized into clusters over time. Each study will be categorized according to the theory and research method used by the author(s). Additionally, findings of each study will be briefly highlighted for comparison. Seminal works will be treated at a greater length than smaller studies. The same emphasis will be attached to reporting accurate summaries, and responding critically to previous research. Overall, greater consideration will be given to reviewing contemporary innovation literature, as opposed to outdated research that was never conducted with the knowledge of information technologies.

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