Insight Into Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Recent Trends, and Future Prospects

Insight Into Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Recent Trends, and Future Prospects

Mohd Vasim Ahamad, Misbahul Haque, Mohd Imran
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3870-7.ch005
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In the present digital era, more data are generated and collected than ever before. But, this huge amount of data is of no use until it is converted into some useful information. This huge amount of data, coming from a number of sources in various data formats and having more complexity, is called big data. To convert the big data into meaningful information, the authors use different analytical approaches. Information extracted, after applying big data analytics methods over big data, can be used in business decision making, fraud detection, healthcare services, education sector, machine learning, extreme personalization, etc. This chapter presents the basics of big data and big data analytics. Big data analysts face many challenges in storing, managing, and analyzing big data. This chapter provides details of challenges in all mentioned dimensions. Furthermore, recent trends of big data analytics and future directions for big data researchers are also described.
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Big data analytics is the process of extracting hidden patterns and correlations, consumer behavior and preferences, market trends and decision making, by examining huge data sets coming from various sources such as web log files, social media, satellites and sensors, GPS data, IoT (Internet of Things) enabled devices, etc. When we click on a website, a large data is saved in the form of web log files. Which can be used in recommender services in future transactions. Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram and various other social media are generating very huge data every day in terms of contents, tweets, photos etc. They must be saved for further processing. Sensor can be embedded in machines that senses the inputs from the outer world and provide it to the machine for further analysis. Hence, sensors can generate a large volume of data. There many handheld and IoT enabled devices which generated huge data. To extract meaningful pattern from big data, we need to apply application specific analytical methods. As, enormous data are coming from thousands of sources in structured, unstructured and semi-structured formats, it’s a very challenging task to analyze it.

There are following challenges with respect to data storage, data management, analyzing and processing the big data, scalability, privacy and security. Huge data are coming from thousands of sources in different formats, it is a big challenge to store them in an efficient, unambiguous and scalable form. Big data is in the scale of Exabyte. Big data requires special kind of techniques to handle the data. It is not possible for the traditional tools to process the big data. To process them, we need a cluster of machines that can process the data in parallel. So, we use some big data analytics technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hive, etc., to manage and process the big data.

In big data analytics, we deal with huge amount of data with different format, inconsistent, noisy and incomplete data, which generates following challenges. Do all the data need to be analyzed? Do the stored data suitable for analysis? How to find interesting patterns from such a huge, multi-formed, inconsistent, incomplete, uncertain and noisy data? etc. It is much possible that the approach used for big data analytics provides good results on “small” big data but performance degrades rapidly for comparatively larger datasets. It’s a challenging task to produce high quality of information from huge datasets with minimum time, resources and cost.

In recent years, large numbers of techniques and tools & technologies have been developed to analyze the big data. The techniques used for big data are clustering, classification, machine learning, neural networks, topic modelling, etc. To incorporate these techniques to analyze the big data, we have technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, Pig, Hive, NoSQL, HBase, MapReduce, etc. In future, advanced analytics and visualization techniques will be applied on real time business intelligence. To get high performance, in-memory datasets usage will be accelerated.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Big Data Analytics: Big data analytics is the process of extracting useful patterns and correlations from huge data coming from various sources and in various formats.

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD): It is an immutable distributed collection of objects. Each dataset in RDD is divided into logical partitions, which may be computed on different nodes of the cluster.

Data: It is a collection of raw facts about something.

Information Retrieval: The extraction of hidden information from stored data.

Pattern: It is a summarized and information rich semantic representation of raw data.

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System): HDFS is the distributed file system responsible for storage, management and high throughput access of application data. HDFS splits the input dataset into manageable data chunks and stores them to different machines on Hadoop cluster.

Big Data: Big data is a term that is used to describe data that is high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety; requires new technologies and techniques to capture, store, and analyse it; and is used to enhance decision making, provide insight and discovery, and support and optimize processes.

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