Instructional Strategies for Teaching in Synchronous Online Learning Environments (SOLE)

Instructional Strategies for Teaching in Synchronous Online Learning Environments (SOLE)

Marshall G. Jones, Stephen W. Harmon
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter deals centrally with one emerging aspect of Web 2.0 for education, that of the increasing demand forreal time and near real-time interaction among users. Whereas most online learning has, to date, taken place in an asynchronous format, there is a growing need for an ability to provide learning opportunities in a synchronoussetting. This chapter discusses synchronous online learningenvironments (SOLEs) and the affordances they present forteaching and learning. Particularly it focuses on a capability of these environments known as ancillary communications. It discusses ancillary communications as an intentionalinstructional strategy and presents guidelines for its implementation. And, in the spirit of Web 2.0, this chapter was written using the Web 2.0 application Google Docs.

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