Integrity Issues in the Web: Beyond Distributed Databases

Integrity Issues in the Web: Beyond Distributed Databases

Jose F. Aladana Montes, Mariemma I. Yague del Valle, Antonio C. Gomez Lora
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-930708-38-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Issues related to integrity in databases and distributed databases have been introduced in previous chapters. Therefore, the integrity problem in databases and how it can be managed in several data models (relational, active, temporal, geographical, and object-relational databases) are well known to the reader. The focus of this chapter is on introducing a new paradigm: The Web as the database, and its implications regarding integrity, i.e., the progressive adaptation of database techniques to Web usage. We consider that this will be done in a quite similar way to the evolution from integrated file management systems to database management systems.

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