Interactive Visual Data Mining

Interactive Visual Data Mining

Shouhong Wang, Hai Wang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch095
(Individual Chapters)
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In the data mining field, people have no doubt that high level information (or knowledge) can be extracted from the database through the use of algorithms. However, a one-shot knowledge deduction is based on the assumption that the model developer knows the structure of knowledge to be deducted. This assumption may not be invalid in general. Hence, a general proposition for data mining is that, without human-computer interaction, any knowledge discovery algorithm (or program) will fail to meet the needs from a data miner who has a novel goal (Wang, S. & Wang, H., 2002). Recently, interactive visual data mining techniques have opened new avenues in the data mining field (Chen, Zhu, & Chen, 2001; de Oliveira & Levkowitz, 2003; Han, Hu & Cercone, 2003; Shneiderman, 2002; Yang, 2003).

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