Introduction to Bioinformatics and Machine Learning

Introduction to Bioinformatics and Machine Learning

Rakhi Chauhan
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1822-5.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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ML has revolutionised bioinformatics' difficult biological data analysis. Pattern recognition and biological process categorization help ML systems diagnose diseases, predict protein structures, and investigate gene expression. Few-shot learning and bioinformatics are effective at optimising results with limited resources, overcoming biological dataset access issues. ML and bioinformatics advance precision medicine and drug discovery while improving biological understanding. This chapter examines bioinformatics ML methods like supervised classification, clustering, and probabilistic graphical models to find new insights. Text mining, systems biology, evolution, proteomics, and genomics use deterministic and stochastic heuristics for optimisation. Understanding bioinformatics methods and modern ML technologies while understanding implementation challenges is the study goal. Few-shot learning is highlighted to show its importance. ML and bioinformatics together improve our knowledge and solve real problems, improving research methods in biological and medical sciences.
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1. Introduction

Many applications in bioinformatics lead to a conversion to handle the biological data and that can provide many methods. We can use these methods for extraction ideas that are helpful to glean from big datasets. With the help of bioinformatics, we can add on biology with computer science for consideration of biological events and use machine learning methods. Using machine learning results in correctly diagnosing protein structures. By classifying the models we can identify the patterns that are used to detect and find out the diseases with the help of gene expression data. Machine learning can predict the discovery of drugs through the process of predicting the likely interactions that would occur between medications and targets, as well as assessing the toxicity of substances. The revolution of machine learning and bioinformatics can make us use vast datasets very easily.

The use of individualized treatment and finding the hidden biological patterns make us progress to comprehending the difficulties of molecular existence. Bioinformatics and machine learning show many ways to consider the biological system that is used for advancements in the health sector. When the Organisation (HUGO) named the Human Genome Organisation organized global activities in the early 1990s, this marked the beginning of the era of genome research. A complete DNA sequencing of all of the human chromosomes was the goal of the HGP, which was an initiative that was undertaken to sequence the human genome. This model allows us to demonstrate the “Prediction of protein secondary structure by the hidden Markov model,” which is a definition of the secondary structure of proteins that were found in the research conducted by Asai and colleagues [1].

Understanding the folding and function of proteins requires several steps, the most important of which is the prediction of the secondary structure of proteins during the process. We are able to estimate the probabilistic framework that is provided by HMM for the description of sequential dependencies using this method. Additionally, we are able to estimate the probabilistic framework by amino acid residues that are associated in the protein sequence. Study [2] by Backofen et al. defines the term “bioinformatics and constraints” as the intersection of bioinformatics and constraint-based techniques. This intersection is referred to as “bioinformatics and constraints.” In the discipline of bioinformatics, numerous issues have arisen, and these issues are defined in the same article. Researchers at the aforementioned study identify a wide variety of approaches to technology that is based on limits. The first work focuses on the creation of a predictive model for the secondary structure of proteins, while the second piece emphasises the usefulness of constraint-based methods in the field of bioinformatics. These studies are a reflection of the ongoing efforts that are being made to improve our understanding of biological systems through the application of novel computational methods. These efforts are being made in order to improve biology. We can consider Bioinformatics with the help of following diagram named figure 1:

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