IoT-Based Wearable Medical Devices Using FPGA: Wearable IoT Communications With High Encryption

IoT-Based Wearable Medical Devices Using FPGA: Wearable IoT Communications With High Encryption

Esther T., Gracia Nirmala Rani D., Rajaram T., Moshe Dayan J. E.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5231-8.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The development of an IoT-based wearable medical device (WMD) with safety features for the user is underway. It is made up of two modules: a user module and a base station (crew or physicians) module. This wearable device includes a temperature sensor (DHT11), an ECG sensor (AD8232), an EEG sensor (TGAT2), and a collision detection sensor (SW420). Wireless sensor network (WSN) technology is used to communicate the many variables being monitored. The base station module is made up of a personal computer with a cloud connection. The data is updated in real time and transferred to the cloud via an internet of things (IoT) platform accessible from anywhere within the restricted area. When the user is informed using organic LED (OLED) for temperature and abnormal heart rhythm monitoring, a buzzer alert is made. The built-in wi-fi on the FPGA controller is used for communication. A notice alert is delivered to the physicians if an unusual event happens.
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A range of severe disorders is diagnosed and treated using wearable or implantable technologies. Microelectronic devices that can be worn on or affixed to the body to track a person's activity are known as wearable electronics (Kos, al.2019). Individuals have been constantly monitored by WMD without interfering or restricting their movements.In Wearable Medical Devices (WMDs), which are worn on soft and curved parts of the human body, flexible electrodes or sensors are required to continuously monitor physiological indicators without losing the meticulousness and quality of the data collected. A wearable gadget for biomedical applications is cost effective and does not require any additional installation expenditures (Ometov, al 2021). Wearable sensor nodes with high performance are used in a combination of detecting, processing, converting, and communicating technologies for analog to digital converters (adc) for digital conversion (Antony, et al.2018). The majority of existing wearable sensing systems have centered on power efficiency, cost, high resolution, security, and portability (Bob Violino, 2021). According to straits research (2019), the global innovative wearable market alone was worth over eur 1 billion in 2017, and it is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (cagr) of 11.8 out of 100 between 2019 and 2026 (Ometov, al 2021). Because of the compatibility of processes utilizing Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies and owing to the other major advantages like higher efficiency, higher scalability, low load and frequency demands, such technologies can be effectively utilized in on-chip power converters. According to kenneth research (Krishna, M. al2020), the global wearable device security market is projected to progress at a compound annual growth rate (cagr) of 16 out of a hundred through 2023, reaching $702.6 million for the security of wearable devices. While encryption techniques ensure security, other critical parameters such as memory utilization, energy consumption, and latency of sensor networks must also be considered (Qiao, Z. et al., 2020). The algorithm’s versatility, adaptability for hardware or software implementation, overall simplicity, and ease of implementation in WSN were all factors to be considered (Sanders, S. et al., 2012). Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is commonly utilized for data encryption in smart wearable medical device applications for security using the same key for encryption and decryption (Qiao, Z. et al., 2020). Self-encrypting disc drives, database encryption, and storage encryption are all included in AES. on the power consumption and hardware resources of AES cipher algorithms for wearable devices with limited computational resources (Hooshmand, M. et al., 2017). In this chapter, under section II, WMDs of the proposed technique are concisely explained. In section III, a high-resolution low-power Successive Approximation (SAR) ADC used in WMD is discussed. Section IV attempts to provide a detailed description of the proposed Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm used in a biosensor. Section V specifies the results obtained from VHDL language based coding, and the discussion in section VI brings the topic to a conclusion.

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