IoT Setup for Co-measurement of Water Level and Temperature

IoT Setup for Co-measurement of Water Level and Temperature

Sujaya Das Gupta, M.S. Zambare, A.D. Shaligram
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9866-4.ch034
(Individual Chapters)
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Recent time has witnessed severe scarcity of water owing to deficient rainfall in India. The current climatic conditions in the country, project the rise in temperature and arid conditions contributing substantially towards the evaporation losses. In order to deal with the looming crisis, it is peremptory to minimize evaporation losses in the water bodies, at least measure them to get a fair idea and initiate corrective measures. This paper aims to develop a system for continuous monitoring of the water level as an indicator to the evaporation process. The system also indicates temperature of the water which influences the evaporation rate.
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2. Basic Concepts

Evaporation refers to a surface phenomenon that causes the vaporization of liquid into gaseous state from the liquid surface. The evaporation rate quantifies the loss of water due to evaporation from a unit surface area of water body in unit time. The evaporation rate is majorly influenced by the water temperature, humidity of the air, amount of water available, area of the water surface, atmospheric temperature.

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