Knowledge Management in Action: The Experience of Infosys Technologies

Knowledge Management in Action: The Experience of Infosys Technologies

V. P. Kochikar, Kavi Mahesh, C. S. Mahind
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-933-5.ch173
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter presents the detailed architecture that Infosys has deployed for implementing KM internally, and the company’s experiences in using that architecture for managing its knowledge. A brief historical perspective of the evolution of the Infosys KM effort is discussed and a description of the Infosys Knowledge Shop (KShop), Infosys’s integrated knowledge portal that we have built, is given. The real test of the maturity of any organizational initiative is when it becomes invisible, a part of the normal way people work. The aim of the KM initiative is thus to move towards a culture where knowledge sharing is built into the organizational fabric. The chapter elaborates on one key mechanism that has been devised to help create such a sharing culture — the Knowledge Currency Units (KCUs) scheme. Some of the key challenges and success factors the company has faced are discussed, and the approaches used to manage those are described.

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