Knowledge Management in SMEs Clusters

Knowledge Management in SMEs Clusters

Josep Capó-Vicedo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-070-7.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter highlights the necessity of establishing relationships with other companies and external agents in order to empower the creation and diffusion of knowledge, through factors such as innovation. Likewise, the influence of geographical and territorial factors will be studied in the context of this economy. SMES normally work and are immersed in particular geographical regions so this chapter will analyze the particular case of knowledge generation and sharing in SMES clusters as an essential source of competitive advantage. A new organizational form will be suggested in order to make possible the creation, transfer and sharing of knowledge in supply chain of SMES clusters. In this sense, a network functioning model is finally proposed.
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Relation Between Knowledge Management And The Organizational And Environmental Contexts

There is a strong interrelation between knowledge and the organizational and environmental contexts, since it is precisely in this area that knowledge will be generated, so that their features will have an influence on the way in which it is created, transmitted and used.

Each specific context will require a different form of Knowledge Management, as well as different support systems for this management. This becomes even more evident when we go outside the limits of a simple organization and talk about inter-organizational Knowledge Management. We may find it necessary to form a relationship or deal with organizations whose experience, languages and contexts are very different from our own, and therefore also with their Knowledge Management systems, which may not be perfectly “compatible” with ours. This will mean new organizational ideas will be necessary for businesses, and also an environment of trust and collaboration between enterprises to facilitate the creation and distribution of knowledge.

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