Knowledge Management Utilization: A Case Study of Two Jordanian Universities

Knowledge Management Utilization: A Case Study of Two Jordanian Universities

Dalal M. Zoubi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-555-1.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The interest in KM in Jordan is retalively new, since about 2003. Many Jordanian institutions, including universities are working to understand issues related to this field in order to use KM and achieve excellence and competitiveness. This study tries to highlight some of the factors affecting KM utilization at universities, such as KM awareness and the exercising of its operations, because failure to utilize KM is often due to a lack of awareness, and incrrect exercise of its operations. This study aims at identifying the impact of the workers KM awareness at YU and ANU, and exercising its operations on KM utilization. Data was collected from workers at senior and middle management levels, using a questionnaire consisting of three sub-measures. Several conclusions have been reached, and it is expected that they will contribute to helping universities utilize the KM system successfully.
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Statement Of The Problem

This study tries to understand and measure how workers' awareness of KM and the exercise of operations related to it, affect the utilization of KM in Jordanian Universities (A case study at YU and ANU). Accordingly, the main query of the research is as follows:

What is the impact of the workers' awareness of KM and exercising its operations in its utilization at YU and ANU?

To answer the research question, the degree of workers' awareness of KM, exercising its operations, and utilizing it have been measured through a questionnaire which was distributed among administrative workers and academics from the senior and middle management levels of YU and ANU.

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