A Knowledge Strategy Oriented Framework for Classifying Knowledge Management Tools

A Knowledge Strategy Oriented Framework for Classifying Knowledge Management Tools

Gianluca Elia
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-976-2.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Many classifications and taxonomies of knowledge management tools highlight mainly specific characteristics and features of a single tool, by ignoring the holistic and systematic dimension of the classification, and the explicit elements of linking with the knowledge management strategy. This chapter aims at proposing a general framework that integrates the technological side of knowledge management with the strategic one. Thus, this framework could represent a powerful instrument to guide knowledge engineers in the implementation phase of a knowledge management system, coherently with strategical choices for knowledge management. Chapter is articulated in two main parts: the first one is focused on reminding some relevant approaches to knowledge management (Hoffmann 2001; Skyrme 2000; Ruggles 1997; Radding 1998; Maier 2002); the second part presents the framework, with a detailed description of its components.
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Existing Approaches For Knowledge Management Tools Classification

This brief review starts with the classification proposed by Hoffmann (Heisig et al., 2001), based on the concept that categories of knowledge management tools miss of an explicit reference to the knowledge strategy they enable. These categories are: search engines / categorization tools / intelligent agents; portals; visualizing tools; skill management; complete knowledge management suites; toolkits for developing individual solutions; learn and teach; virtual teams / collaboration.

The only one relation with the knowledge strategy is the knowledge management process that each tool enables, chosen among the processes characterizing the knowledge management model of CCKM Fraunhofer Institute of Berlin (Heisig et al., 2001): knowledge creation, knowledge storing, knowledge delivery, knowledge application. Table 1 shows this relation:

Table 1.
Processes-categories mapping (Hoffmann)
KM Process
Tools Categories
Search Engines / Categorization Tools / Intelligent AgentsX
Visualizing ToolsX
Skill ManagementXX
Complete Knowledge Management SuitesXXXX
Toolkit for developing individual solutionsXXXX
Learn and TeachX
Virtual teams / CollaborationXXX

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