Leaders' Behavior in Association With Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Leaders' Behavior in Association With Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Mateja Lorber, Sonja Treven, Damijan Mumel
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5490-5.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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The achievement of organizational objectives depends on the leadership and leaders' behavior. The study was conducted to examine the relationship between the leaders' behavior, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees in nursing in Slovenian hospitals. The differences between individual variables were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney Test, Spearman correlation analysis and the regression analysis. With the leadership style, leaders' characteristics, leaders' emotional intelligence, and teamwork in the unit we can explain 51% of the total variability of nurses' job satisfaction and 84% of organizational commitment. Leaders' behavior has an important component of work and associated with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees in nursing. Health care organizations can be successful if the employees are satisfied with their work and have a high level of organizational commitment.
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Organizations are social systems. Human resources are the most important factor for the successful organization and work presents an important aspect and the activity that occupies most of their waking time in life. Today’s changes and developments have implications on the organization and leaders.

Emotional experiences at work, especially in the field of healthcare are part of everyday work of employees. Individual’s experience effect on a person’s attitude to his job. An employee’s expectation about the job and the communication with others can play an important role in a person’s job satisfaction. Healthcare is a profession where different individuals work in interaction (Purcell, Kutash, & Cobb, 2011; Scheick, 2011) and includes measures and activities to maintain and improve health, prevention and detection of diseases and treatment of patients. It is also exposed to constant changes and overcoming the challenges, referring to rising costs, rapid scientific and technological development, demographic changes and the increasing need of patients for high quality and competitive services. At the same time, healthcare systems must to reduce costs and maintain and improve the quality of services.

The achievement of organizational goals is largely depends of leadership and leaders’ behavior. The behavior of leaders affects both job satisfaction and the productivity of the employees (Malik, 2013). Malik (2013) noted that leaders’ behavior is defined as a pattern of behavior that leaders mostly use. While Mosadegh Rad (2003) noted that leaders’ behavior is a series of attitudes, characteristics, and skills used by a leader in different situations according to the individual’s and organizational values. Leaders in different situation behave differently, but they should be able to evaluate employees’ feelings, their motivations and know, how to influence them for achievement the organizational goals. Abualrub and Alghamdi (2011) noted that leaders should create hospital environments, which support and motivate all employees in healthcare.

Hospitals in these days are changing dynamic. The economic crisis and problems with employment of professionals, staff retention, creating healthy and safe work environment, and a growing needs of patient care represent challenges for leaders in healthcare (Vesterinen, Suhonen, Isola, & Paasivaara, 2012) therefore they should be very flexible.

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