Leadership Ethics in Higher Education Administration: An Andragogical Perspective

Leadership Ethics in Higher Education Administration: An Andragogical Perspective

John A. Henschke
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4141-8.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter begins with developing meaning of the word “ethics,” mainly related to rectitude, integrity, good, rely, trust, and congruent. Andragogy, defined as the art and science of helping facilitate the learning of adult individuals and organizations, is characterized as having six assumptions and eight elements, with five organizational dimensions. Peale suggests a trustworthy personal guidance censor system; Billington identifies seven characteristics of highly effective adult learning programs; McLagan asserts that time is needed to develop a system of ethical conduct; Bennis and Nanus provide a possible model of successful visionary leadership as that operates in organizations growing and flourishing economically in a “down economy.” The role of a university includes the lifelong learning needs of a total population being addressed. This chapter includes discussion of the development of the modified instructional perspectives inventory in its use in various organizations, assessing Henschke's scholarship and practice congruence, and listing its use in 30 doctoral dissertations. It concludes a story of how ethical administration conduct affected transformation of a brutal prison system into a humane one.
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Key Terms in this Chapter

Vision: Without which people will perish, but with is people will live in abundant joy.

Trust: Believing, faith, confidence, assurance, reliance, dependence, credence, credit, credibility.

Andragogy: The art and science of facilitating and helping the learning of adults and the organizations in which they serve.

Leadership: An enactment of your vision of contributing to and carry forward with the lives of others what will benefit them, accrue to you as a joyous satisfaction of a life well lived, and will result in a world that is better because you were here.

Learning: A shift of mind and what goes on inside learners as they undertake to gain or acquire new knowledge, understanding, skill, attitudes, values, and interests. The ‘what goes on’ could be described as perceiving—sensing and feeling concrete reality, thinking or reasoning abstractly; and internalizing or processing—making it a part of ourselves by actively jumping in and trying it, or reflecting on and watching what is happening; thus, the learner—anywhere along his/her life path, at any age—would have going on inside of him/her the perceiving and internalizing of new knowledges, understandings, skills, attitudes, values, and interests.

Lifelong Learning: That which is included above in the definition of learning needs to be carried on during our whole life in plenty and in want, in good times and in bad times, from the cradle to the grave.

Ethics: The essence of conduct that includes integrity, rectitude, good, reliance, congruence, and trust and is operationalized and held together by reciprocity among all those things.

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