E-Learning Environment

E-Learning Environment

Mizue Kayama, Toshio Okamoto
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-553-5.ch177
(Individual Chapters)
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Nowadays, the concept/system of e-learning (or eLearning) is widespread with the advent and prevalence of the Internet. Via the Internet, people can communicate with each other at anytime and from anywhere. People can also share, rebuild, stock, and reuse various kinds of information. Here, it is clear that e-learning gets citizenship in the educational society instead of CAI (computer-assisted instruction) and CMI (computer-managed instruction). As a response to society’s advance, it is necessary to construct a new learning ecology, such as a learning organization or a learning community. To date, the need for an understanding of e-learning issues has not been met by a coherent set of principles for examining past work and plotting fruitful directions. Obviously, it would be difficult to document the many seeds sown now.

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