E-Learning Implementation and Its Diverse Effect

E-Learning Implementation and Its Diverse Effect

Biju Issac, Jasmine Mering, Raymond Chiong, Seibu Mary Jacob, Patrick Then
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-579-5.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The rapid growth of technological advances in recent years has opened a completely new dimension to the progresses in education and training. The emergence of e-learning has created not only business and educational opportunities, but also significantly improved the standard of the society. This chapter explores into the implementation of e-learning and its impact on a community, similar to a university or corporate setup. To this aim, a brief introduction into e-learning technology and an example of using Blackboard Learning System are brought forth, along with some critical success factors. Projecting the e-learning advantages, along with the digital library concepts, the economic benefits of such implementation are highlighted. The thought of discussion then moves to the perspective of students and teachers on e-learning. As the trend in technological world is moving towards mobility, the wireless e-learning perception is also conferred. In the concluding remarks, the e-learning implementation is noted as a positive endeavor to boost the economic growth.

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