The Learning Landscape: A Conceptual Framework for ePortfolios

The Learning Landscape: A Conceptual Framework for ePortfolios

David Tosh, Ben Werdmuller, Helen L. Chen, Tracy Penny Light, Jeff Haywood
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-890-1.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Adoption of ePortfolio tools in higher education has been implemented in individual courses, departments, schools, and across institutions to demonstrate evidence of more authentic student work, show student progress over time, and represent collections of best work. New technologies have enhanced the learning affordances of ePortfolios to include its usefulness as a tool to support integration, synthesis, and re-use of formal and informal learning experiences. The challenge for educators is to develop new pedagogical approaches to encourage students to recognize and extend the value of ePortfolio software beyond simple course applications and outside the context of their undergraduate education. This chapter describes the learning landscape model, a conceptual framework which promotes a view of “learning” that supersedes the rigid structure of degree outlines and requirements by taking advantage of a variety of technologies to incorporate overlapping experiences through social networking among faculty, mentors, peers, and employers and resources.

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