Leveraging Predictive Analytics for Success in Developing Economies: Integrating AI-Driven Technologies Into Service Marketing

Leveraging Predictive Analytics for Success in Developing Economies: Integrating AI-Driven Technologies Into Service Marketing

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7122-0.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter explores the transformative potential of AI-driven predictive analytics in service marketing, specifically within developing economies. As these regions experience rapid growth, businesses face unique challenges and opportunities. By integrating predictive analytics, companies can gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, forecast trends, and enhance decision-making processes. This chapter delves into the mechanisms of predictive analytics, highlighting its role in optimizing marketing strategies, improving customer engagement, and driving sustainable growth. Case studies from various developing economies illustrate successful implementations and the tangible benefits realized. The discussion also addresses the ethical considerations and challenges of deploying AI technologies in these markets. By understanding the strategic importance of predictive analytics, service marketers can position their businesses for success and contribute to the broader economic development of these regions.
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