Logistics Applied to Improve Bottling Water Distribution

Logistics Applied to Improve Bottling Water Distribution

Carlos Alberto Ochoa Ortiz Zezzatti, Nemesio Castillo, Wilebaldo Martínez, Socorro Velázquez
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0297-7.ch001
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The optimization problems have been widely attacked in the area of evolutionary computation, this has been due mainly to the kindness they have shown to solve these problems. This chapter addresses the solution to the problem of optimizing the space within the vehicle to distribute purified water. To solve this problem using a cultural algorithm which helps determine the appropriate charge that provides the best value for the company of this kind of services to the customers of the product. This is done taking into account the space that is available within the vehicle and the different presentations that are distributed. In turn, this study helps us to understand the behavior of (Cultural Algorithms) with respect to the issues raised in the optimization of space vehicle for distributing purified water. In addition prepare a comparative analysis of the results obtained with respect to another method of solving optimization space, and finally describe an extended Partially Dynamic Vehicle Routing which permits determine complicated scenarios and reorganize the stratagems to solute these scenarios.
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“For you is an isolated piece of rock, for me is all my World, my home, Argo City” - Alura In-Zee, Leadership of the Resistance to reubicate in Rokyn Planet


Justification Of The Logistics Research

Generally when we spoke to increase the volume and sale of some product or service, express comes to the mind concepts or tools like:

  • Logistic, since it is a tool that handles and controls flows of merchandise or information.

  • Marketing, that it looks for to satisfy the needs with the clients, and simultaneously to obtain a benefit.

Both they work generally of the hand, nevertheless, in search of managing to satisfy the client; in this work development a tool based on Data Mining, with the aim of finding landlords, tendencies or rules repetitive that explain the behavior of the reported data of sale in the water purifier in which realizes the study.

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