Looking for Indicators of Success for Distance Education

Looking for Indicators of Success for Distance Education

Wm. Benjamin Martz Jr., Venkateshwar K. Reddy, Karen Sangermano
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-178-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The purpose of this chapter is to identify key components of distance education satisfaction. The distance education environment is an expanding market driven by several market forces. A working list of potential variables for satisfaction can be developed from the previous research done to compare the traditional to the distance education environments. A questionnaire was developed using these variables and administered to 341 distance students in a successful, top 26, M.B.A., distance education program. The results of the questionnaire are factored into five constructs that ultimately correlate well with the satisfaction ratings of the subjects. Using these factors as guidance, some operational and administrative implications of those findings are discussed.

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