Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient

Low-Cost Body Area Network for Monitoring of Diabetic Patient

Geshwaree Huzooree, Kavi Kumar Khedo, Noojehan Joonas
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4969-7.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The confluence of wireless body area network (WBAN) advancement has led to a great shift in the healthcare sector and has enormous potential to reduce long-term costs, social problems, workforce issues, and improve quality of healthcare service. Based on existing literature on WBANs, technologies, and standards, a WBAN is proposed to bridge the gap of information between patients and healthcare professional through sharing of high quality of information (QoI) whereby the latter can have real-time and historical view of patient's condition for effective and timely monitoring. This feature will also address the time and space restriction of healthcare service. Moreover, a best fit glucose prediction model considering various exogenous inputs based on autoregressive (ARX) model is proposed to perform data analytics in a WBAN system. The performance of the model is evaluated through performance metrics. Potential challenges and future research work are pointed out for further development of WBAN.
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Current State Of Technologies

Recently, many PMHSs have been designed and implemented to manage and monitor different chronic diseases. A recent survey was conducted to evaluate the state-of-the-art PMHSs to identify major technical requirements and design challenges associated with its realization (Huzooree, Khedo, & Joonas, 2017b). The PMHSs were classified into four main categories namely: self-monitoring, assisted-monitoring, supervised-monitoring and continuous-monitoring.


Nowadays, many patients are moving towards a fundamental strategy to promote preventive healthcare by using a vast range of self-monitoring health technologies. This type of disease monitoring is more patient-centric than doctor-centric, thus the patients’ commitment and diligence is critical for effective disease management. Very often, patients make use of available off-the-shelf technologies such as invasive and non-invasive sensors and mobile phones to gather, monitor and manage their conditions through mobile applications. Various communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Global System for mobile communication (GSM), Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service (UTMS), Internet and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) are used for transferring of information from the sensors to the mobile phones. A recent survey revealed that common diseases that are self-monitored have been chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Hofer, Schumacher, & Bromuri, 2015; Joshua, Qian, & Bruce, 2015) and sleep apnea (Thanuja & Balakrishnan, 2013). In this particular type of monitoring, there is usually no interaction with the health care professionals and the patients are in charge.

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