Machine Learning and Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IIoT

Machine Learning and Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IIoT

Piyush Pant, Atour Taghipour
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6247-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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With one of the most potent technologies ever developed in human history, the world is moving toward a new digitalized era. These technological advancements are enabling people to make things that, in the past, were merely the stuff of fairy tales. The model put out by this research incorporates one of the newest and most potent technologies of the decade. This research proposes to integrate the 5G network with the industrial internet of things, which is based on machine learning to develop an intelligent machine capable of mimicking humans. A system of this power is extremely susceptible to issues like hacking, cyberattacks, and other issues. This problem is solved with the blockchain. Since blockchain offers a decentralized approach to maintaining transparency, the research incorporates it into the model to make it more efficient and secure. IoT with blockchain has been the subject of other studies, but this study is an enhanced version that also incorporates industrial IoT with AI to create an intelligent internet of things.
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Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence are booming technologies that are taking over all the older technologies. Few research papers were studied and this paper is the future work of some of the papers and was inspired by them.

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