Machine Learning for Ecological Sustainability: An Overview of Carbon Footprint Mitigation Strategies

Machine Learning for Ecological Sustainability: An Overview of Carbon Footprint Mitigation Strategies

Vishnu S. Pendyala, Saritha Podali
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4045-2.ch001
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Among the most pressing issues in the world today is the impact of globalization and energy consumption on the environment. Despite the growing regulatory framework to prevent ecological degradation, sustainability continues to be a problem. Machine learning can help with the transition toward a net-zero carbon society. Substantial work has been done in this direction. Changing electrical systems, transportation, buildings, industry, and land use are all necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Considering the carbon footprint aspect of sustainability, this chapter provides a detailed overview of how machine learning can be applied to forge a path to ecological sustainability in each of these areas. The chapter highlights how various machine learning algorithms are used to increase the use of renewable energy, efficient transportation, and waste management systems to reduce the carbon footprint. The authors summarize the findings from the current research literature and conclude by providing a few future directions.
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Human existence is inextricably intertwined with nature. Ecology by its inherent trait supplies humanity with vast natural resources. It aids in the sustenance of the huge living population and compensates for the ecological imbalances that surface repeatedly. Due to the rising global population, the consumption of nature’s wealth is ever-increasing. The surge in production of energy, food, goods, services, etc., to meet the demand and supply gaps has led to a colossal depletion of raw materials worldwide over the years. Overexploitation of the flora and fauna has endangered numerous species while putting several others in the high-risk category threatening the ecosystem’s equilibrium.

A sustainability metric for measuring human impact on Earth's ecosystems called the “Ecological Footprint” was proposed in the early 1990s by two Ph.D. researchers at the University of British Columbia (Wackernagel & Rees, 1996). Considering the dependency of humanity on the biosphere, Ecological Footprint (EF) is defined as a measure of the area necessary to sustain any given population. In its broadest sense, it is a measure that incorporates all forms of water and energy use, infrastructure, forest management, and other material inputs required by humans to flourish day in and day out, as well as accounting for the land devoted to waste assimilation. Ecological Footprint per capita is one of the most widely recognized indicators of environmental sustainability. Human society becomes unsustainable when its Ecological Footprint surpasses its biocapacity. Considering the sustainability of natural resources becomes essential due to the burgeoning demands of the growing population. Ecological Footprint and sustainability are emerging research areas that have grabbed the attention of contemporary researchers and policymakers.

Figure 1.

Components of Ecological Footprint


The carbon component of the Ecological Footprint, highlighted in red in Figure 1, is also an indication of the amount of forest land that will be required to absorb the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. The carbon footprint measures the amount of greenhouse gas released due to the consumption of fossil fuels excluding the fraction absorbed by the oceans. The amount of greenhouse gas emitted into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned contributes directly to an ecological footprint. As more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, there will be a need for more sea and forest areas to remove them. Lacking the requisite sea and forest areas will increase the carbon footprint. A larger carbon footprint implies a more substantial ecological footprint. In this chapter, we examine the use of Machine Learning to address the problem of increasing carbon footprint in the context of ecological footprints and sustainability.

Machine Learning (ML) is a progressive technology that has the potential to offer practical solutions for environmental sustainability. Machine Learning has much to offer in terms of monitoring, analyzing, and resolving sustainability issues. Even with exceptional advancements in the field, the area continues to have a lot of scope for improvement. The discipline’s ever-expanding horizons still hold plenty of opportunities for solving challenging real-world problems. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ML handle complex data, enabling data scientists to make accurate forecasts. These technologies can recommend comprehensive rational solutions that help in achieving sustainable development across the globe.

Prior research on Machine Learning applications in the sustainability domain is promising, and we believe that Machine Learning can support the development of culturally tailored organizational processes and individual responsibilities to cut down natural resources and energy consumption. We believe that ecological sustainability is the key to balancing the rising Ecological Footprint. Eventually, AI/ML will be highly valuable in contributing to environmental governance and not just limited to minimizing society's energy, water, and land usage intensities. In this survey, we study the applications of Machine Learning to analyze and predict the impact of the Ecological Footprint and to strategize carbon footprint reduction.



We started by framing the following research questions:

Key Terms in this Chapter

KNN: - K-nearest neighbors

NWP: - Numerical Weather Prediction system

EVTREE: - Tree Models using Genetic Algorithms

KNNReg: - K-nearest neighbors Regression

ARIMA–BPNN: - Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average - Back Propagation Neural Network

MSW: - Municipal Solid Waste

GDP: - Gross Domestic Product

MASE: - Mean Absolute Scaled Error

SMAPE: - Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error

VIP: - Variable Importance for Projection

GHG: - Green House Gas

NRMSE: - Normalized Root-mean-squared Error

CNN: - Convolutional Neural Network

ECMWF: - European Center for Medium Weather Forecasts

GPPoly: - Gaussian Process with Polynomial Kernel

LR: - Logistic Regression

RNN: - Recurrent Neural Network

NN: - Neural Network

CUB: - Cubist

SMOGN: - Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique for Regression with Gaussian Noise

EV: - Electric Vehicle

GBRT: - Gradient Boosting Regression Tree

GPS: - Global Positioning System

GBR: - Gradient Boosting Regression

MLP: - Multi-Layer Perceptron

MLR: - Multiple Linear Regression

ILSVRC: - Image-Net Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge

ANNqr: - Quantile Regression with ANN

PLS: - Partial Least Squares

IL: - Imitation Learning

MetaFA: - Metaheuristic Firefly Algorithm

RL: - Reinforcement Learning

ERT: - Extremely Randomized Trees

SVM: - Support Vector Machine

XGB: - Extreme Gradient Boosting

AV: - Autonomous Vehicle

SVR: - Support Vector Regression

BPNN: - Back Propagation Neural Network

RFR: - Random Forest Regression

SWM: - Solid Waste Management

DP: - Dynamic Programming

MAPE: - Mean Absolute Percentage Error

DRL: - Deep Reinforcement Learning

PSO: - Particle Swarm Optimization

AI/ML: - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

GRU: - Gated Recurrent Unit

ANN ReLU: - ANN Rectified Linear Unit

RF: - Random Forest

SARIMA: - Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average

ANN SPOCU: - ANN Scaled Polynomial Constant Unit

MetaFA-LSSVR: - Metaheuristic Firefly Algorithm-based Least Squares Support Vector Regression

MDP: - Markov Decision Process

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