Mapping Input Technology to Ability

Mapping Input Technology to Ability

Ainara Garzo, Stefan P. Carmien, Xabier Madina
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-180-5.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Accessibility is a critical aspect of health care system design, particularly E-health systems. Ability to access services may change as ones abilities vary, by situation as in the use of a cell phone while driving, by condition, as during an illness or as a result of an accident and in the process of aging. As the European population becomes increasingly skewed towards elders, the ability to communicate with and via computers will become more and more important. Communication consists of two processes: presenting information in an accessible manner and receiving input from the user in a mode that fits the users skills and needs. This chapter describes the design process in providing an alternative to a keyboard for input by persons with motoric disabilities.
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The Design Problem

Most accessibility system designs for people with different disabilities focus on how to give the information to the user. For example, considering the size of the letters or the voice to read the information for the people with visual impairments. But, how can a user manage this information if she cannot access the inputs of the system? People with motor impairments, especially those with disabilities in the hands and arms often cannot access the devices because they do not have enough control to use keyboards, mice and other external controls. Thus what follows is a study of computer input accessibility problems and the development of an alterative system.

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