The Metaplastic Cyber Opencode Art

The Metaplastic Cyber Opencode Art

Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2961-5.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter explores the continuum between old and new media and presents the research area of Metaplastic Art and Design. The description of the Metaplastic Metaspace and its own methodology create interactive virtual spaces for Cyber Art between reality and virtual realities, from living code to software and vice versa through the Metaplastic Opencode Platform.
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The Metaplastic Arts And Design Theory

Interactivity has become the main aspect of new media since the fast evolution of digital processes and media convergence on the Web. In brief, the notion of interactivity means the possibility of real time interaction with digital media. The new media along with technological convergence are changing the model of mass communication into new ways for people to interact and communicate with one another. The digital innovations of the Internet have made possible the shifting towards the new media model of communication from the traditional “one-to-many” mass communication to the wide range of possibilities of a “many-to-many” Web communication. The conversational dynamics of mediated communication forms can be considered as a central point in understanding new media.

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