Mindfulness of Digital Detoxification: Healthy Lifestyle in Tourism

Mindfulness of Digital Detoxification: Healthy Lifestyle in Tourism

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1273-5.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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In this age of advanced technology, the tourism industry is deeply intertwined with mobile devices and online social networks. However, it may harm our mental and physical health if we spend too much time in front of screens and rely too heavily on technology while visiting new places. In this chapter, the authors investigate how a digital detox might improve vacationing behaviors. By disconnecting from their devices and surroundings, tourists attempt to purge their systems of digital toxicity. By doing so, travelers can better disconnect from their digital worlds and experience the locations traveler visits, forging deeper connections with both. It is suggested in this chapter to maintain a regular schedule even while away from home. Some “digital detoxification” methods that can be used in tourism are also discussed here. Stakeholders in the sector are given access to successful digital detox project case studies to aid their efforts. Travelers may benefit from Earth's natural beauty if the healthy lifestyle in tourism encourages sustainable travel experiences in the digital age.
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Today's technologically advanced era has brought about a revolutionary change in the travel sector. These days, people seldom leave home without their smartphones, tablets, or laptops because of the richness of information travelers provide, the ease with which travelers can communicate with others, and the capacity to record and broadcast their trip experiences (da Costa Liberato et al., 2018). Even if digital connectivity has made travel more convenient, some have raised safety and privacy concerns about our increasingly glued-to-screen lives.

There is a method known as “digital detoxification,” which entails temporarily disconnecting from digital devices and the digital sphere to address concerns regarding privacy and safety and the influence of constant connectivity on travel experiences. Through the use of this technique, the goal is to strengthen engagement with destinations and to cultivate meaningful connections with individuals encountered during trips. It is essential for travelers who want to strike a balance between the advantages of connectivity and the richness of offline, immersive travel experiences to have a solid understanding of the dynamics of digital detoxification. This is because the world is becoming increasingly driven by technology today.

Over the past few years, the tourism sector worldwide has experienced a paradigm shift in how individuals interact with travel experiences. Travelers are becoming increasingly attached to their electronic gadgets due to the expansion of digital technology, which shapes their relationships with their destinations and other traveling companions (Kumar et al., 2023). Concerns have been raised regarding the influence of this constant connectedness on mental health, the quality of travel experiences, and the sustainability of tourism locations despite its ease. As a result of the widespread availability of smartphones, social media platforms, and instant communication, there is a phenomenon that has emerged in which tourists are frequently more absorbed in their digital screens than they are in the distinctive cultural, natural, and social aspects of the locations that they visit. In light of this, there has been a growing interest in gaining an awareness of the ramifications of this digital dependency and investigating various tactics that can promote a tourism approach that is both healthier and more thoughtful.

As digital detoxification and mindfulness become more widely acknowledged as fundamental elements of a well-rounded way of life, incorporating these practices within the tourism industry becomes increasingly important. It is necessary to investigate how mindfulness practices and intentional disconnection from digital devices can improve the well-being of travelers, contribute to the development of a tourism industry that is more sustainable and responsible, and contribute to the development of a more profound connection between tourists and the places they visit. This research investigates many aspects of the relationship between mindfulness and tourism, particularly emphasizing digital detoxification's role in fostering a healthy lifestyle when traveling. Our goal is to provide insights that can be used to inform the development of strategies, policies, and interventions that will encourage a more mindful and digitally conscious tourism experience. This will be accomplished by understanding the motivations, challenges, and outcomes of mindful travel practices. This study aims to add to the emerging discourse on sustainable and well-balanced tourism practices in an era dominated by digital connectivity. This will be accomplished by thoroughly exploring existing literature, empirical research, and case studies. Through the process of addressing the gaps in the existing body of knowledge, our objective is to provide essential advice to industry stakeholders, governments, and tourists who are looking for a tourism experience that is more enriching and aware.

The notion of digital detoxification has evolved as an appealing reaction to the difficulties brought about by the excessive use of digital devices while on vacation. Digital detoxification temporarily disconnects from digital gadgets and internet distractions to restore a healthy relationship with technology (Syvertsen & Enli, 2020). Travelers who choose to disconnect from their devices while away want to make more meaningful relationships with the places they visit and the people they meet (Pawłowska-Legwand & Matoga, 2021).

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