Mobile E-Commerce as a Strategic Imperative for the New Economy

Mobile E-Commerce as a Strategic Imperative for the New Economy

M. Raisinghani
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-002-8.ch078
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


A new form of technology is changing the way commerce is being done globally. This article provides an overall description of mobile commerce and examines ways in which the Internet will be changing. It explains the requirements for operating mobile commerce and the numerous ways of providing this wireless Internet business. While the Internet is already a valuable form of business that has already changed the way the world is doing business, it is about to change again. Telecommunications, the Internet, and mobile computing are merging their technologies to form a new business called mobile commerce or the wireless Internet. This is being driven by consumer demand for wireless devices and the desire to be connected to information and data available through the Internet. There are many new opportunities that have only begun to be explored, and for many this will become a large revenue source for those who capitalize upon this new form of technology. However, like other capital ventures, these new opportunities have their drawbacks, which may limit growth of the mobile commerce market if not dealt with. Mobile e-commerce technology is changing our world of business just as the Internet alone has changed business today.

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